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Performative Science and Beyond

Involving the Process in Research

Performative Science - Detail

(via: A coherent summary of 6 years’ research work at the ZKM Institute for Basic Research in Karlsruhe. Motto of the research, set between art and science, was “performative science”, a new research method that methodologically complements the natural sciences by means of a performative-artistic procedure. The book offers a theoretical, praxis-motivated discourse on the topic, strongly orientated towards philosophical hermeneutics but consisting to a great degree of concrete examples of application such as brain modelling, chaos research, artificial life and artificial intelligence. It provides a methodological bridge between science and art.

Written for: artists, media theorists, art theortists, life scientists, cognitive scientists, philosophers

Diebner, Hans H.: Performative Science and Beyond – Involving the Process in Research, Springer Verlg., Wien, 2006

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